Disney’s NEW Definition of Princess Fuels Female Empowerment

My favorite princess was Princess Leia. She was also General of the rebel army and shows our daughters that princesses can be warriors too!

My favorite princess was Princess Leia. She was also General of the rebel army and shows our daughters that princesses can be warriors too!

The NEW generation of princesses are a far cry from the Sleeping Beauties and “someday my prince will come” damsels in distress we grew up with. As the mother of a daughter, I am here for it! On my brand page yesterday (@the_classroom_mom) on Instagram we celebrated National Barbie doll day and discussed the evolution of this brands variety in racial representation, female form, complexion and occupational variety! That got me thinking, and how about the evolution of the “princess?!” Well, Disney has done a lot to alter what that position means from the 70’s into the 2000’s, and what better time to discuss it then Women’s History Month.

Though these characters are fictional, they are the first models for our little ones on screen of femininity and strength. Who among us moms doesn’t recall dressing up and pretending to be Cinderella, or singing all the princess songs? But it is certainly a whole new world from Aurora waiting to be awoken by true loves kiss to Moana taking charge of her destiny and changing it’s course against all odds. They are brave and exhibit their strength of intelligence, physic and spirit. They are beautiful but it is undeniably inside and out, and they decide their happily ever after no matter the adversity they face!


Here are my personal pick six princesses your daughter’s should know and why:

  1. Princess Merida (Movie: Brave)

    This is a tale of the growing pains between a mothers expectations butting heads with a daughter coming into her contradicting individuality. Merida breaks tradition and enters the customary competition staged to win her own hand in marriage besting all the male suitors in every challenge. Their relationship takes many turns but in the end she and her mother begin to understand each other better.

  2. Princess Moana (Movie: Moana)

    Next in line to be be chief to her tribe, Moana is meant to lead from land but her spirit is called by the sea. She defies her father, with the encouragement of her grandmother, and sets out on a journey, listening to her heart, and humbling a demi god along the way, saving her people because of it.

  3. Princess Elsa & Princess Anna (Movie: Frozen & Frozen 2)

    These sisters are our personal favorites! They face tragedy, and lots of personal self-discovery in both movies to save their land, and its people. They also grow individually and together learning their own power, and strengths while uncovering that their bond is their greatest love.

  4. Princess Vanellope (Movie: Wreck It Ralph & Ralph Breaks the Internet)

    This Princess Is viewed by the other players in her video game as a glitch, and isn’t allowed to race. She just wants to be seen as good enough to try, but an unlikely friendship from someone else, wanting to be more than what is expected of him, starts her on a journey. She discovers that she is the true princess of her game and uses this to help her find the strength to enter the race she’s been banned from and leave the other players in her dust. She continues her self-discovery in part two as she and Ralph’s friendship evolves and more great lessons are learned.

  5. Princess Tiana (Movie: Princess and The Frog)

    Tian learned the value of hard work at an early age from her father, and begins working twice as hard after his death to make both of their dreams come true. She gets mistaken for a princess and kisses a frog prince in this journey set in New Orleans, filled with music, and magic both she and the prince discover the difference between what they want and what they need.

  6. Princess/General Leia (Movie: Star Wars Saga)

    Though not animated, Leia is the ultimate bridge between these cartoon princesses and the next logical genre female superheroes! Star Wars is a 9 movie sage spanning decades from the 70’s to now. Though there is a lot of Jedi and Storm Trooper show downs, in the end it is the acts of 4 courageous and strong women who take down an empire and unite a galaxy.


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