
Welcome to my blog! The world is our classroom and, as students of it, we are constantly teaching and learning with and from one another. We are all “the classroom mom!” As parents and educators, we shuffle similar hats to be everything for many, starting out making it up as we go along, and other things we polish with time. In this space, I will bring my personal experiences, views, reflections, tips and resources from my household and classroom to yours. People are always asking me to weigh in on education related topics, offer advice or share ideas for their young learner that I have learned from my years in the trenches and I in return I have solicited help from other more experienced moms and teachers. We’re all in this together! Let’s educate one another, and maybe even help lift each other while lighting the load! I hope to foster a shared environment that provides a space for growth, connection, and support! This is your tribe!

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