Balancing the “Classroom” With the “Mom”
“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.”
- Stephen Covey
I am the first person to credit both of my jobs as an early childhood educator and my job as mom to this smart and sassy mini me as being mutually beneficial to one another most of the time. Often though when I tell people that I oversee the chaos of 25 to 30 five and six year olds i.e. I teach Kindergarten, I am asked “how do you manage to balance that so well with being a single mom?” The short answer to that question is….”Oh, ummm I DON’T!” Well, at least not everyday.
Any working parent (which basically means ALL PARENTS) will tell you that most days it feels like we’re holding the balance of our household, work life, and mental health all together with a couple of bobby pins and some scotch tape. It’s fragile, requires a lot of outer support and inner grace, and is constantly in ebb and flow. This part of the school year I feel a particular twinge of working mom guilt because establishing your classroom setup, culture, relationships, and curriculum particularly in the first few months is very demanding of your time, focus, and energy. Unfortunately, that means by 5pm, I’m running on fumes with homework still to be done (both mine and hers), household needs to be met, and a little one who just wants and deserves mommy’s attention. This temporary time, out of the entire year, can however be an opportunity for growth. I establish new routines, and work on time management, while my daughter can practice independent play, household responsibility, and think up things we can do when we have extra time on the weekends.
It’s no secret that another piece of this puzzle for me is living with heightened anxiety and depression. Needless to say, I struggle mostly with giving myself grace and setting mortal expectations for me to accomplish. I am very type A and Capricorn. I am supposed to be this “Super Mom” and “Super Teacher” while staying “super sane” right?! Wrong! I know that train of thought is irrational and flawed and will drive me nowhere fast but off the rails, especially while trying to do it all in heels and a cape in the times of COVID and hurricane season, but I also know…I’m not alone in these feelings. I remind myself daily that this too shall pass, but it’s ok to admit in the midst of it all, it is no less ALOT! I’m just here to tell you, that you are not alone! Some days we’re thriving and it’s amazing, but most days these days we should be proud even if we’re managing to survive!
Maintaining balance is all apart of life and when you’re a parent it can really feel like each day is a new day at the circus. We walk a tight rope, juggle full plates, tame the wild, and jump through hoops attempting to get it all done. Keep in mind that In the pursuit of it all, it is impossible not to fall…just get back up and work to steady again! Here are a few things to reflect on if you too struggle with giving yourself parental grace:
It’s ok to NOT be ok - recognize when you’re feeling off centered and do what is needed to reset!
It’s even more OK to ASK FOR HELP - everyone will survive if somethings wait until tomorrow, but remember there’s a reason that it takes a village!
Even the Pinterest mom isn’t “perfect” - anybody can post their best days; don’t let the internet fool you!
You’re ONLY HUMAN - you have needs and limitations and it’s important to model being kind to yourself for the little ones watching!
Something you did today MATTERED to someone else - and hopefully it also brought peace, joy, passion, and or happiness to you too!
Here are the 10 Best Books for achieving work-life balance featured in Parade Magazines’ 2020 article!